Summer Leaves Shadow




Matthew 28:19 “Go therefore ​and make disciples of all ​nations, baptizing them in ​the name of the father and ​of the son and of the holy ​spirit”


The heart of TCS High School is to see our students fulfill the Great Commission and ​share the love of Christ to others. GO WEEK is a week-long opportunity to serve with ​other students internationally, domestically, and locally. It also offers opportunities for ​students to engage in educational excursions that will allow students to experience ​different cultures and worldviews. Trinity Christian School is strengthened through ​these shared student and faculty service experiences.

TRIPS 2025

  1. New Orleans, LA
    1. Leaders: Tim & Charlotte Hurt
  2. Maui, HI
    1. Leaders: Christy Faircloth, Roby Ross, & TBA
  3. Orlando, FL
    1. Leaders: Dr Nicholas Yeakley & Michelle Hutcheson
  4. Phoenix, AZ
    1. Leaders: Shannon Bragg & Duane Theobald
  5. Dallas, TX
    1. Leaders: Robin Witherington & Patrick Sullivan


  1. Costa Rica
    1. Leaders: Brian Fourman, Chris Paschal, & Cassie Richardson
  2. Puerto Rico
    1. Leaders: Mike Townson & Kayla Freund
  3. Ecuador
    1. Leaderrs: Reed Shackelford & Sam Howard
  4. London, UK
    1. Leaders: Dan Robertson, Nic Dickens, & Sara Kuchinski
  5. Dubai, UAE
    1. Leaders: Ryan Tipton & Jeff King



September 3rd - 6th Google Form Sign Ups

  • Tuesday, Sept. 3rd - Seniors
  • Wednesday, Sept. 4th - Juniors
  • Thursday, Sept. 5th - Sophomores
  • Friday, Sept. 6th - Freshmen
  • Each class will be sent the Google Form link ​via Official Notes on Blackbaud.
  • Fill out the form for the trip you wish to go ​on, and at the bottom of the form select your ​2nd trip option If you are waitlisted.
  • No payment Is due at this time.

The following week of September 9th - 13th, each trip participant will receive the ​registration and deposit link for their trip.

The registration and deposit must be completed within 24 hours to secure your ​spot. If you do not complete the registration and deposit, your spot Is forfeited to ​the next person In line.


  • How do I sign Up?
    • Sign ups are scheduled to begin Tuesday, Sept. 3rd for 12th ​grade, Sept. 4th for 11th grade, Sept. 5th for 10th grade, & ​Sept. 6th for 9th grade.
  • What if i can’t afford a trip?
    • if you cannot afford a trip. or you don’t want to go on a ​trip, we will have a local go week at TCS for students.
  • Do I have to participate in go week?
    • yes. all HS students are required to participate in go week, ​local, domestic, or international.
  • Can parents attend go week?
    • parent chaperones are not needed at this time. if they are ​needed for a trip, they will need to be approved by Mr Bass ​and our admin team.
  • What does local go week look like?
    • We will be working with local non-profits and ministries here ​in the atlanta area. many of these organizations do not ​schedule months out in advance, so we will have a better ​picture come november/december.


  • How much does it cost?
    • each trip is unique and has it’s own specific cost. please be ​sure and check the trip’s itinerary before signing up.
  • When is payment due?
    • your first payment will be your deposit, and it will be due the ​week of september 9th.
  • who can sign up?
    • any current TCS Hs student. you can sign up using your tcs ​account email, personal email, or parents email.

Still have more questions?

    • Ask them here: